Three must-read blogs for creatives

2 minutes

Yes, writing blog posts, recording videos or podcasts takes time and effort. I don’t produce videos or podcasts, but when it comes to written blog posts I can say that there is lots more involved than what meets the eye. Thinking about topics to write about, researching content, actually writing the blog post, formatting the text, creating the accompanying images… However, it’s all worth it.

By creating blog posts about design, web design and the Webflow CMS I can not only help out other designers and Webflow users, but can also show potential clients that I know what I am talking about. And when they need someone to help them out with a web-related project, I might be the person who comes to mind first. As I enjoy working directly with clients, as well as agencies and other designers the blog helps provide useful info to all of these parties. And, last but not least, Google looks favourably at sites that are updated frequently and that are written for people, not machines. So, get blogging, YouTubing or podcasting – whatever you enjoy most and you think you can sustain best over a long period of time.

Below I’m showing you a couple of blogs that I enjoy – both for its content and its design.

InVision Blog

InVision is a prototyping tool for UI/UX and web designers and their blog “Inside Design” has lots of great content for designers, especially those who work in tech. From topics such as design thinking to copywriting and reading lists for designers – there is lots of great info for anyone interested in visual and interface design.

Webflow Blog

Webflow is the company responsible for the Webflow CMS, the tool I am using for all my personal, as well as client work. If you haven't tried it out yet, you can check it out and sign up for an account here (yes, that's an affiliate link). Their “Responsive Web Design Blog” is directed at freelance designers and talks about a variety of topics with many of them not directly related to the company’s product. Topics include trends in typography for the web, tips for getting a freelance business off the ground and information on the web design process from start to finish.

ConvertKit Blog

The ConvertKit blog isn’t only well designed, but also offers heaps of super-helpful information on marketing, online business, email marketing and more. While not specifically geared towards designers, it still offers heaps of useful information for content creators on how to move their (online) business forward. Some of the topics include “Lead magnet ideas to grow your email list”, “Best practices for landing pages” and more.

Feel free to message me some of your favourite design and web development blogs and resources.

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