4 best iPhone apps for designers

Yes! It's time for another tool roundup! Here I show you some of the tools I use to make my life as a Webflow designer and freelancer easier and more enjoyable. In a previous post I've talked about different tools, plugins and extensions I use on my Mac, so check this one out as well. Ready? So lets get right into it...

Pro Movie

This nifty little app lets you – you guessed it – record movies on your iPhone. I have switched from the regular camera/video recording app on the iPhone to this app as it lets me fine tune settings like exposure,  resolution, frame rate and more. I also experienced some audio issues recording video via the standard iPhone camera app, which have disappeared since using Pro Movie. I also like that I can quickly transfer my video file to my Mac Book via Air Drop or share it via social media with the press of a button. Nice! The free version displays the app's logo in the corner of the screen, but with the paid version which costs under $5 you can remove this.


Hello Bonsai

Hello Bonsai is an online tool for invoicing, sending contracts and proposals, time tracking and light project management. In order to use this free app you need to have a Hello Bonsai account. What does this app do? It lets you send invoices, track you time, add business expenses, as well as see an overview of any money earned. Especially the option of quickly sending out an invoice when you're not at your computer can come in quite handy! Definitely check it out if you're a Hello Bonsai user or considering to become one. Oh, by the way – I've written a brief post about Hello Bonsai a little while ago (you can read about it here).



Most people would be familiar with Meetup.com, the platform that lets you organise and join in person and online meetups in your city. As the organiser of the Webflow Meetup Group in Perth (Australia) I have the app on my phone to quickly see what's happening with my group as well as other groups I'm a member of. While the app doesn't have all the same features and options like their website, it still lets you see upcoming meetings or respond to messages you receive from group members. Check out Meetup.com and start your own group or join an existing one. For all (future) Webflow users: there are Webflow meetup groups available in many cities around the world (https://webflow.com/community).


We have come to the end of part two of this series. Keep an eye out for the final part three where I talk about web and browser based tools specifically. Got a cool tool you want to recommend? Let me know.

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