Four essential podcasts & resources for online course creators

2 minutes

Creating their own online product or course is something many creators and designers want to do. It allows them to create a product once and then sell it many times over without investing any additional time. Well, it doesn’t quite work like that – as a course developer you still have to market your course and keep the momentum up through content marketing, social media, as well co-operations with other creators or influencers. For instance architect Eric Reinholdt from 30x40 Design Workshop sells a digital "Architect Entrepreneur Startup Kit" on his studio website. If you want to learn more creating your own online course or product and see how others have made the switch from service provider or freelancer to course developer, check out some of the resources I’ve gathered in this article. No matter if you learn better via the written word, or by listening to a podcast, I have included content from different online channels for you to consume.

Everything is Teachable (Podcast)

This new (as of July 2019) podcast by the online teaching provider Teachable ( interviews course creators who use Teachable as their teaching platform. There is a wide variety of people with vastly different areas of expertise being interviewed including Teri Ijeoma who teaches stock trading, Mark Dawson, who explains self-publishing to authors or successful cake decorator Thao Armstrong from Don’t Tell Charles. A new episode is released every week with each of them giving an insight into the founder’s story and how he/she became an online course developer. By the way, Teachable’s blog is also highly recommended.  (Podcast) (Blog)

Level Up Your Course (Podcast)

The Level Up Your Course podcast is nearly up to its 100st episode and goes deep into how different course creators have set up their courses. Not tied to any particular teaching platform, the podcast host Janelle Allen asks interviewees how they’ve set up and created their course, what learners get out of it. It really gives a blue print on how to set up your own course and sheds light on how other creators have overcome hurdles and solved issues on the way. (Podcast)

Ask Pat (Podcast)

Pat Flynn is well known through his successful podcast Passive Income, but also hosts another shorter, 30minute podcast called Ask Pat. Here listeners can submit their business and passive income related questions and pat answers one question per episode. Many questions relate closely to online courses and business and are super-useful for anyone considering to publish their own online course. (Podcast)

Podia Blog (Blog)

Podia, like Teachable, is another line course platform provider, which offers a quite valuable blog on course creation, entrepreneurship, course promotion, SEO, marketing and more. Be sure to check it out! (Blog)

Hope this was useful for you! Good luck creating your own online course or eLearning resource!

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