New Webflow Meetup Group in Perth, Australia

1 minute

I finally did it! After contemplating this move for quite a while I've taken the plunge and established the very first Webflow Meetup Group in my hometown of Perth, Western Australia. Why now? Well, I've got mainly selfish reasons: I really want to meet more Webflow users, share ideas, tips and make connections with likeminded people. As I've written in my Meetup Group description, people of all skill levels and backgrounds are welcome - you don't even have to be a web designer. A genuine interest in Webflow is enough! Our first meetup will take place on January 21 at the Pica Bar in Perth's Cultural Centre. At the time of writing about 23 people have already joined the group. Several of these have already indicated their attendance this month. Happy days!

If you'd like to join the meetup yourself, you can check it out here:

Want to start your own Webflow Meetup Group in your hometown? Check out Webflow's own blog post for more info:
You should also visit the Webflow blog for a regular rundown of newly established Webflow Meetup Groups such as this one:

Or do you want to find a Webflow Meetup near you? Check Webflow's resources here:

So, go ahead and either attend an existing meetup or start your own!

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