Money, money, money: Podcasts to keep your finances under control

3 minutes

While we most designers and creatives do their jobs because they love the work and it fulfils them creatively, we also want to be able to provide for our family, meet our living expenses and support our chosen lifestyle. And even though money and subsequently accounting are topics that are often not loved as much as design subjects such as typography, grids or design systems, they are still important in our day-to-day life as a freelancer and/or employed designer.

Therefore I have gathered four great podcasts that I’ve subscribed to and that can help you navigate the world of personal and business finance. But wait, before we get started… check out my blog post about Hello Bonsai, the accounting/invoicing tool I use fo my own business. And now let’s move on to some of my favourite finance podcasts…

Journey to Launch

This podcast focuses on becoming financially independent and reaching your financial goals. The host Jamila Souffrant interviews a new guest in each of the episodes (and there are already 126 of them at the time of writing). Most guests have achieved substantial financial success through various means (including investments) and have often already (semi)-retired at an early age. I like this podcast as it really gives an insight into other people’s (financial) journey through life and shows how many of them have worked themselves out of debt into a better and more sustainable way of life.

Journey to Launch Podcast

Smart Passive Income

This well known podcast by Pat Flynn is all about building a passive income business. Having built an empire all around passive income and making legitimate money online, Pat gives advice on a variety of money-related topics. He usually interviews a variety of different online entrepreneurs who talk about how they’ve built their own (passive income) business. Occasionally Pat also does solo episodes in which he highlights one particular topic (such as email marketing or affiliate links). This podcasts is great for picking up some valuable tips and tricks on how apply certain marketing techniques to build your own online business. Be sure to check it out!

Smart Passive Income Podcast

My Millennial Money

Ok, this podcast is at times a little bit focussed on an Australian audience. So, if you’re not based in Australia some of the topics might not be super-relevant for you (such as “superannuation explained”, “how does salary packaging work”). However others including “Minimalism & money” and “How to win with money” are quite useful for an international audience, as well. In short this podcast talks and explains lots of basic, money-related topics for people who might not have much of a background or prior interest in the topic. The light hearted podcast is aimed at a younger audience that might have circumvented the topic previously but now really wants to know more about some of the things discussed. While I don’t think I’m the main target audience of this podcast I quite enjoy listing it, as it really conveys important topics in an easy to grasp, non-boring way. Definitely recommend this podcast - especially for Aussies or newcomers to the country.

My Millennial Money Podcast

The Get Paid Podcast

Lastly, this podcast hosted by Claire Pelletreau focuses quite heavily on solopreneurs and creatives. In her shows the interviews small business owners (more often than not one-man/women operations) and talks to them how they’ve built their business and how they earn money. She talks to Abagail and Emylee from the Boss Project about hitting $100k in their first year in business, and chats to Becca Tracey about how she’s progressing towards her million dollar goal. Super inspirational and definitely worth a listen!

The Get Paid Podcast

I also listen to other finance and business related podcast - most of them in German. So I might do a blog post about German language podcasts in the near future as well! So, stay tuned German-speaking readers! But don’t fret if you don’t speak any German - there’ll be plenty of resources for English speakers coming up as well! Happy listening!

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