Inspirational podcasts for designers and creatives – Part 2

1 minutes

This is part 2 of the inspirational podcast article I’ve written recently. Here I introduce you to three additional podcasts that dish out useful advice for anyone looking at starting a creative (online) business. So, here we go...

Being Freelance

In its 8th season now, the Being Freelance podcast by Steve Folland is super-popular and shouldn’t be missed. Steve interviews freelancers from a variety of fields. His guests include designers, copywriters, photographers, eLearning specialists and more. Guests tell their story, how they got started being freelance, how they’re doing today and lessons they learnt on the way. Don’t miss that one!

Ask Pat

If you don’t know Pat Flynn, you have to look him up now. He has written books, hosted a podcast on passive income streams, and started successful (online) businesses. Now he’s he’s mentoring others via his new Ask Pat podcast. In this popular podcast he talks to online entrepreneurs and business owners and answers their question(s) about a particular topic. From building an audience to doing affiliate marketing or scaling your business – Pat gives useful advice that doesn’t help the individual mentee but also listeners who have the same question regarding their own business.

Get back to design

Hosts Krista and Kory are web designers and developers. They talk about the business of design. How do you manage a team of designers? How do you deal with difficult clients? How do you avoid burnout? All this and more is covered in their super-helpful podcast. Give it a listen!

Know of any other great podcasts for creatives? Let me know about them!

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