Inspirational podcasts for designers and creatives – Part 1

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I love listening to podcasts when I’m in the car or when I’m emptying the dishwasher at home. As a web and digital designer I enjoy learning new things and I’m always on the lookout for content that’s useful to me as a creative. So I’ve collected three super-interesting podcasts I like listening to regularly:

Design Life

This podcast by Uber product designer Femke and ConvertKit designer Charli, is great! The two Kiwi ladies don’t only talk about topics such as design sprints, or design systems, but also discuss topics such as imposter syndrome or breaking into the design industry as a junior creative. Definitely worth a listen!

Keep it Creative

I just discovered this podcast a short while ago and believe it’s quite enjoyable. Host Cherise interviews a variety of creatives who’ve started their own business venture. From travel photographer Carmen Huter, videographer Phoebe Galloway to fashion entrepreneur Anita Ghise, all guests share their story with the listener and give valuable insights into how they got to where they are now.

One Wild Ride

I love this podcast! This is another one I just discovered very recently and that I have come to enjoy quite a bit! While the podcast doesn’t only have interview guests from the creative field, but from a variety of areas, everyone of them has great stories to tell. As the quote on the podcast’s website says “These are real conversations with real people, doing incredible things”. Check it out now!

In part 2 of this podcast collection I’ll introduce you to three more podcasts that I think can help you in your journey as a creative. Stay tuned!

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