My journey of becoming a Webflow website designer

2 minutes

I started my actual design career at a small printing company in Munich, Germany. Here I designed everything from software packaging to stationary and art catalogues – and made sure all the files were output correctly on film via a (now ancient) Linotype 330 image setter. This was before the computer-to-plate process was established in the printing industry! After finishing my apprenticeship and sticking around for another 6 months, I spread my wings and worked for a publishing house producing wall calendars in all shapes and sizes. I was part of a great team, and as a young 20-year old I was also super excited to be able to go join some team mates for a trip over to Italy to meet suppliers and business partners. Fun times!

Fast forward a few years – I had migrated to Australia in 2003 – I traveled Australia’s East Coast before settling in one of the most isolated capital cities, Perth. Here I worked both full-time and as freelancer for different ad agencies throughout town. While spending 8-9 years as an Editorial Artist at one of the two major newspapers in town, I got more and more involved with the digital side of design. This meant learning some basic web coding skills (thanks learning platform Team Treehouse), going to local developer and designer meetups and designing websites outside of work. I also spent a few years completing a Bachelor degree in digital and web media, which gave me valuable contacts and connections for other roles down the line.

So, how does Webflow come into it all? Several years ago I started playing around with the early version of Webflow but was preoccupied with other ventures. Then, a couple of years ago I gave Webflow another go and… loved it! I could now translate the designs I did in Sketch (yes, I had definitely moved away from Photoshop by that time) without having to hand code themes (something I was never very efficient at), rely on page builder plugins or use limiting templates with ugly CSS code injections (yes, that’s you Squarespace). No more plugin updates, or conflicts, no database updates or security issues! I then made the decision to solely work with Webflow and turn down any projects that clients insisted they’d want to use another platform for. Now I offer custom Webflow website design with an emphasis on boutique firms in the building industry (architects, interior designers, realtors, home builders). Additionally I also do Webflow site maintenance, content updates etc. and design downloadable, digital goods for my niche (home seller guides, property brochures, eBooks, marketing emails etc.). This way I combine both my digital and print design skills, which come especially handy when designing items such as booklets or brochures.

At this point in time I don’t rely solely on my freelance income but also work as a designer for a major horse and dog racing body in Western Australia. With this 2 day a week role, freelance clients, as well as kids… and the newly established Webflow Perth Meetup, life gets busy. But I am enjoying the journey!

How did you come to work with Webflow? Or if you’re not a Webflow user yet, what is driving you to give this tool a go? If Webflow is new to you, you can check it out and sign up for an account here (yes, that's an affiliate link).

And, always: Questions? Ask away!

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