Getting a massage therapy studio online with Webflow

Learn how I built a brand new responsive website with Webflow for a massage therapy studio in Perth, Australia.

Oftentimes designing and building a website is an elaborate process that takes several weeks to get it right. From conversations with the client, creating feature lists, developing a site map, doing wireframes and high-fidelity mockups to the actual development work in Webflow. My recently released website project was a rush project. Owner of newly established massage therapy studio "Resonating Bodywork" in Perth, Western Australia was launching in a couple of weeks and needed a brand new, responsive site quickly. Vanessa, the studio owner is an expert in the area of remedial massage but no web designer or online marketing specialist. I was called in to help and get a website up and running that would make it easy for potential clients to book her massage services, while allowing her to update her site without the need of extensive web development skills. These are the three main things I did to help her get her business started online...

Webflow to the rescue

As a Web Designer I assessed her needs and decided that Webflow would be a great fit for her site. Why use a platform like Wordpress that would require Vanessa to either hire a professional to maintain her site (security updates, plugin updates, backups etc.) or require her to learn how to do this? Also, with Webflow Vanessa is able to quickly do content updates herself quickly.

Online bookings made easy

Resonating Bodywork needed a simple booking system that allowed clients to book different sessions online with the click of a button. I achieved this by using a tool called Calendly which I connected to her Webflow site. By pressing the "Book Now" button site visitors are lead to a Calendly booking page where they can choose a time and day that's convenient to them (and to Vanessa). This removes admin work for Vanessa and makes the booking process as easy as possible for clients.

Simple and straight forward design

The site had to be online fast. This is why we opted for a one page site that allows visitors to navigate by simply scrolling downwards on the page. Alternatively users can activate navigation links at the top of the page which brings them to the right section on the page automatically. And if the site needs to be expanded (maybe due to an upcoming blog or other content), this can be done easily within Webflow, – additional pages or a CMS (content management system) can be added with the click of a button.

Want to see the live website? You can check it out at If you want to see a full case study check back soon as I will upload this project to my portfolio shortly. And if you live in Western Australia, why not pay Vanessa a visit and get your back sorted out...?

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