Cloneable Webflow Resources: Animated Hamburger Menu

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In this brand-new mini series I introduce you to some of my favourite and/or newly found Webflow resources. As you might be aware there are plenty of great, cloneable sites and components available on the Webflow showcase and you can even search for a particular resource via the searchable showcase. These cloneable projects are great for dissecting a particular project or feature or to simply copy certain elements you want to use on your own site. Especially in urgent client projects some of these pre-made components can come in really handy. Each blog post in this series is dedicated to a particular resource that I found especially useful and that I have taken advantage of recently - either in client or personal Webflow projects.

The real hamburger menu

So, quite recently I needed a great looking, animated hamburger menu for an urgent project and came across a great collection made by Webflow's own Waldo. The Webflow crew member has built 12 different hamburger menus that animate nicely when the user clicks the icon. From simply three-line icons to an actual hamburger as an icon there's a great variety of styles to chose from. The project can of course be cloned and each icon can simply be copied into your own project via copy and paste. Too easy! Be sure to check out this fabulous project and keep it ready for future reference or when you need a flash menu button quickly.

Waldo's Hamburger Menus

Bonus: Waldo has written a neat tutorial post on the Webflow blog on how to best create such hamburger menus yourself! Haven't heard of Webflow before? You can check it out and sign up for an account here (yes, that's an affiliate link).

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