Book review: The idea in you

Looking for a book to help you get your startup or new business on the way? Check out Amor and Pellow's book "The idea in you" - I review it in this blog article.

Have you been thinking about setting up your own product or service based business? Maybe you are looking at moving away from pure freelance work or you want to add additional components to your existing business? The book "The Idea in You: How to Find It, Build It, and Change Your Life" by Martin Amor and Alex Pellow walks you from idea to execution with lots of inspirational snippets thrown in as well. He also adds advice and insights from other business owners who have started with a small idea which they turned into an actual business. The authors emphasize the need to test your idea(s) for little money before spending months on refining an idea that might not be workable in the end. The only let down with this book was that it spent little time on actual idea generation tactics and strategies and focused more on what to do when you've got one (or several) ideas already that you are considering to further develop. Nevertheless, due to its mix of practical advice as well as motivational language I quite enjoyed reading "The idea in you".

While not a brand new release (this book first came out in 2016), it's still a great - and short - read for anyone who is considering to finally make a move and do something with that (business) idea they've had for a little while.

You can find Amor and Pellow's book both as a hardcover, kindle or audio book at most book retailers or even at your local library.

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