Book Review: Company of One

1 minute

I wanted to read this book for quite a while now and finally got around to it this month. I first stumbled across Paul Jarvis through his podcast design and business podcast “Creative Class, a podcast for freelancers” that he runs together with fellow designer Kaleigh Moore. Since then I’ve listened to and read several interviews with Paul and finally came across his new book “Company of One”. In his book he advocates for the idea that growth as a company or business owner is not always necessary and can often even hinder ones success. He outlines alternative ways of how to move forward in business, and puts an emphasis on fostering an honest connection with customers and delivering great customer service. As the NJ Journal of Books points out in their review: “Company of One is a treasure trove of business tips, ideas and suggestions on how to start the business of your dream and then un-think the typical business model to reach your ultimate goal of staying small.”.

Company of One by Paul Jarvis (Photo by Paul Jarvis)

The book is written in a very personable style and avoids the typical marketing/business buzz words and describes in detail how entrepreneurs can leverage their “one man/woman show” and use it to their advantage.

Check out the book on Paul’s own website or borrow it from your (local) library.

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