A quick comparison between Webflow & Wordpress

A bit over 2 minutes

Webflow is an all-in-one web platform that lets you easily update and maintain your own website. Let’s have a close look to see if it’s a good fit for you. We’ll start by looking at some of the advantages below.

Easy content updates

Webflow lets you update your website easily – you can replace images or change text directly on the site, without navigating around a clunky user interface. Through its CMS (content management system) you can add projects to your portfolio quickly and insert new blog posts or news articles for your site. Any content updates or SEO (search engine optimisation) settings can be completed by yourself or a team member. No external agency or web developer necessary

Unique site design with short turn-around

With platforms such as Wordpress you either have to hire an agency or freelancer to code you a custom Wordpress template (which can be quite expensive and time intensive) or rely on a pre-composed template which has been adjusted slightly to suit your needs. Wordpress also supports site builder plugins that allow designers to create a more individual layout, however you are very much limited to the features such editor provides. With Webflow your designer can create a truly unique site design and do so in a matter of weeks (not months).

Security and site maintenance

With Wordpress you have to be sure you maintain your site properly. This includes regularly updating your plugins, as well as Wordpress itself. You also have to check for any plugin conflicts and hope that the plugins you’re using are still supported and updated by the original plugin developer. Especially when a new version of Wordpress is being released it is not always certain that older plugins support it. With Webflow you don’t have any of these issues, as there are no plugins necessary to guarantee functionality. For instance SEO (search engine optimisation) can easily in Webflow’s own settings – no external plugins necessary. System updates are also not required and an SSL certificate (ensuring end-to-end encryption between your website and your users) is possible without complicated setup. Nice.

Fast load times

Webflow offers fast hosting via CDN (content delivery network), powered by Amazon Cloudfront and Fastly. Also, is doesn’t produce any bloated or convoluted code, – which is often the case with Wordpress due to the many plugins often added to a site – another reason that increases page speeds.

When not to use Webflow

There are certain use cases that might not lend themselves to the use of Webflow. If you’re after an integrated membership or customer login area (only possible via a third party service) or need a super-complex eCommerce store (Webflow offers an eCommerce feature, but its not up to par with competitors such as Shopify yet), Webflow might not be the right solution for you.

What is frustrating you the most with your current web presence and online platform? Let me know if you’ve got any more questions regards Webflow as a web platform for your studio site.

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