7 services you can offer as a Webflow expert and designer

What kind of services can you offer your clients as a Webflow Expert and Designer? I give you 7 different ideas how to make money with Webflow in this article.

If you're a Webflow Designer you often naturally focus on one thing: designing websites with Webflow. But let's be honest: not every client needs a brand new website designed and built with Webflow. So what other services can you offer potential clients that take advantage of your superb Webflow skills? Let's take a look! First things first though. If you're not a Webflow user yet, you can get yourself an account here. But now let's get started.

Webflow site design and development

The most obvious thing first: You can offer either only site development with Webflow or also include website design. As a Webflow developer you take finished site designs and translate them into a working website via Webflow. This means you will often get a completed Figma, XD, Sketch or Photoshop file which you use as a blueprint to develop the site. Oftentimes this is what advertising and creative agencies get freelancers to do while their in-house team focusses on the design work.

Likewise you can focus offer both, design and development, so your clients can have a one-stop shop for their projects. This kind of work is of course more creative than "just" building the site and you can mix your technical Webflow abilities with your creative skills. Obviously you can also simply offer to design a client's website without doing the development work in Webflow. This works for clients who for some reason want to stick with Wordpress (or another platform) and/or have an in-house development team to do this kind of work for them.

Webflow maintenance, content updates and support

To be honest there is less maintenance work needed with a Webflow site than with a Wordpress site as there are no plugins to update or no site backups to take care of. Maintenance with Webflow is more focussed on adding new features and functionalities, fixing site issues or uploading new blog articles and team members. But while this might not sound very exciting it is work that needs to be done and some clients either don't have staff at hand to do this or don't want to be bothered with it. For this kind of work you can also arrange retainer agreements, so your client has a Webflow Designer at hand for a certain amount of hours each month. When offering trouble shooting services for Webflow sites, you could provide these not only by doing the required changes on the client site yourself. Instead you could offer brief, bite-sized videos that explain to your client how a particular problem can be solved (the tool Loom is great for this) or you could offer a solution in a 30-minute 1-on-1 virtual Skype session.

Webflow template creation and support

With Webflow's template marketplace you could start selling your own premium templates which could work well as a side income to some of your primary services. Additionally you could help clients and other designers navigate and troubleshoot some of the templates they've already bought. There are heaps of people out there who buy a template and then realise certain features or functionalities they desperately need are missing! If you can help these people to fix issues quickly and add features when needed they'll be happy as you've saved them hours of frustrating trial and error in front of the screen.

Add non-Webflow services

If you've got other design-related skills like image or video editing, graphic design or creating visuals for social media, you could offer some of these services in addition to your Webflow work. This might also help your clients when they primarily need Webflow work done but also need someone to create a new cover image for their Facebook page. Just watch out you don't spread yourself too thin!

Becoming a Webflow Specialist in a certain area

In addition to the work outlined above you could also focus and/or specialise in one particular topic inside the Webflow development world. For instance you could become a go-to expert when it comes to custom code inside Webflow, integrations with external services, Wordpress to Webflow migrations or even out-of-this-world interactions and animations. The possibilities are endless!

Webflow training and courses

You could also offer 1-on-1 Webflow training sessions online and in-person (whenever feasible due to Covid). Either help customers to get started with Webflow or coach them on a particular topic inside Webflow (e.g. how to set up dope animations). Alternatively you could build and sell your own Webflow course or other Webflow-related online offering.

Webflow assets and add-ons

As a Webflow pro you could develop and sell external services that work hand-in-hand with Webflow to alleviate some of Webflow's shortcomings in functionalities. Another similar approach is to develop assets such as Lottie animations, icons or custom, clone-able components that you can sell via your own website or on various marketplaces online.

These are just some of the  ways you could use your passion for Webflow and your skills in this area to earn money as a freelancer. Know some additional ways to create an income with your Webflow chops? Let me know!

Wait, before you go - if you're a freelance Designer or running your own little agency, you might be looking for a great tool to send proposals, invoices and more. I use Hello Bonsai for this and you can take a look at their website and give it a spin yourself (affiliate link). If you want to read more about it first, I have written a helpful article about it here: "How I use invoicing and proposal tool Hello Bonsai as a Webflow Designer".

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