6 Great Webflow resource sites for your next project

4 minutes

I just love Webflow and focus solely on building websites on the platform, as well as providing ongoing Webflow site maintenance work for clients. However, sometimes you’ve got to meet tight deadlines and need to implement a feature you don’t quite know how to build yet. Does this sound familiar? Well, there’s a way around that. I’ve collected a bunch of Webflow resource sites that offer assets like pre-built animations, sliders, effects and other useful items. Some sites offer the resources for free, while others charge a small fee. Using these items as a starting point you’re oftentimes able to make quick adjustments to make them suitable for your own Webflow project. So, while you can find lots of great examples and cloneable components on the Webflow Showcase, it’s often helpful to access additional resources that aren’t available on the showcase.

Webflow Showcase

To start off the list I’m just once again mentioning the Webflow showcase that has a bunch of great websites and pre-made components available. Some of them can be cloned and transferred to your own Webflow account, while others can be viewed via the popular “read-only” link. Also don’t forget that there is a searchable showcase made by another talented Webflow user that enables you – as the name says – search for a particular feature or component by keyword (this is something the official Webflow showcase doesn’t offer just yet).

Webflow Showcase

Webflow Searchable Showcase


Flowbase is a Webflow resource site run by the Flowcraft agency. The Flowbase site publishes Webflow components and templates by skilled Webflow users that can then be downloaded free of charge. Some examples of cloneable components available include FAQ sections, hover animations and sliders. There is also a small amount of tutorials and educational materials on Webflow. According to their site, users who submit new content (either Webflow components, landing pages or even blog articles) get paid an undisclosed amount of money. So, how do the site owners make money? They sell their own premium Webflow templates and a component library which are also promoted on the site. Definitely check out the site here:



Udesly is a company offering a tool called the Udesly Adapter, which lets you move a site created in Webflow over to Wordpress, Shopify and Ghost. However the company also has a resources section on their site that you can access via a US$49 yearly subscription. Their resources include various image effects, a slider, cms and ecommerce filter as well as other useful stuff. Each of the components includes a useful video that gives you an overview of how the component can be used in Webflow.

Udesly Webflow Resources

Web Dev For You

I just recently discovered Web Dev For You, a platform that offers – surprise, surprise – resources for Webflow Designers and Developers. The site provides free as well as premium content and focusses heavily on pre-made interactions and animations but also includes a few other great items such as sliders. Hover interactions, full screen menu animations, zoom interactions or buttons are just some of the components available for cloning. What’s great is that you can easily filter all the resources available via a convenient drop down menu. Premium content such as special tutorials and Webflow templates can also be purchased. Additionally there are also free video tutorials available on how to build certain interactions in Webflow – so definitely take a look at accompanying YouTube channel.

Web Dev For You Website

Web Dev For You on YouTube

UI Flow

This Webflow resource website offers lots of cloneable assets including animated buttons/sliders/menus, and templates. There are also links to helpful inspirational sites built in Webflow. Visitors can suggest resources and assets to be added to the site, helping to further grow the content available on the site.

UI Flow


I love this site! With the introduction of Lottie animations in Webflow it’s now possible bring even more movement onto your Webflow site. The Lottieflow resource site offers a varied of cool Lottie animations ready to download. There are even “animation packs” - these are collections of similarly styled animations that can easily be used together (similar to “icon packs). While you can download all animations for free, you well have to login to the site to make adjustments to the Lottie animation including color and easing. And if you’re a complete beginner with Lottie and Webflow they even show you how to implement those animations in Webflow! Easy-peasy!


That’s it! This should help you on your way if you urgently need a particular component or interactions for your next Webflow project. Also if you just want to improve your Webflow skills and learn how to build a particular thing in Webflow, most of these cloneable resources are great as well. And don’t forget: I also regularly publish new blog artciles with tutorials and/or cloneable Webflow resources here on the site. One of my recent blog posts introduces you to a great horizontally scrolling card slider component I discovered recently – you can find the blog post here.

Wait, before you go - if you're a freelance Designer or running your own little agency, you might be looking for a great tool to send proposals, invoices and more. I use Hello Bonsai for this and you can take a look at their website and give it a spin yourself (affiliate link). If you want to read more about it first, I have written a helpful article about it here: "How I use invoicing and proposal tool Hello Bonsai as a Webflow Designer".

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