Four great newsletters by and for designers and creatives

2 minutes

As a Designer and Webflow Professional I enjoy learning from others and love receiving email newsletters that bring real value. However, after getting your inbox filled with a variety of seemingly useful newsletters and no time to possibly read them all (or even go through them to assess if there’s anything of value included this week), I have decided to cull (read: unsubscribe) the large majority of newsletters I receive and really only focus on less than a handful of really interesting and valuable ones. So, in this blog post I introduce you to four of my favourite newsletters that I have found super-valuable as a designer and creative and that are allowed in to my inbox monthly, fortnightly or even weekly.


Yes, I’ve mentioned them previously on this blog. Ugmonk is a clothing and product (yes, physical products such as mugs and t-shirts) company run by designer Jeff Sheldon. Jeff releases a monthly email newsletter called “Ugmonk Journal” in which he doesn’t simply promote his new products, but shares books he’s read, new typefaces he’s discovered or explains how he’s used a “solo retreat” to explore new ideas and bring his business forward. I highly recommend you check out his content!

Design Better (by InVision)

Prototyping tool manufacturer InVision releases an (admittingly quite lengthy) newsletter which features content from their popular online blog. Oftentimes their emails include teasers such as short snippets of some of their blog articles together with interspersed quotes by other creatives and thought leaders. However, I especially enjoy the list of links to different design-related articles written by InVision employees. These aren’t just articles published on the InVision blog but on a variety of other platforms such as LinkedIn or Medium. Definitely check out their newsletter to see if their content is for  you.


I know, I work exclusively with Webflow, so I have to promote their newsletter here on my blog? Not necessarily. I just think it’s super-handy to get an email in your inbox, letting you know about what’s new on the blog (if you don’t know the Webflow blog yet, check it out - you’re in for a treat!). This saves me from having to manually visit the blog to see if any new and interesting content has been published


Mizko (actual name Michael Wong) is a Sydney-based designer and entrepreneur. He publishes a weekly newsletter all about design, life and business. I certainly recommend this one for anyone interested in the creative process, digital design and how to grow a (freelance) design business.

I use these newsletters and their content as an inspiration for my own newsletter here on the site, that I am planning to expand and grow as well. Got other great newsletters you can recommend? Let me know about them!

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