Best design & no-code conferences of 2020 to watch online

Looking for some more binge-worthy ux design, development and digital design content? Check out some of these great conferences you can stream online for free.

Due to Covid unfortunately lots of conferences and events had to be cancelled or postponed until 2021. However, lucky for us designers and Webflow fans some very interesting events in the design and web development space have been held entirely online, so people could watch and participate from the comfort of their own home. Now if you've missed some of these events, don't fret as the organizers of some of these events have made recording of some (or all) of the talks and keynotes available online. So in this article I've got a small collection of interesting talks you might want to (re)watch if you are at all interested in creativity, design, web development and/or the no-code movement. And if you are a user of Webflow be sure to also check out Webflow's own virtual conference which was held not too long ago.

Webflow World Tour

From August to September 2020 held various virtual events over a total of 8 time zones. This meant that no matter if you were located in New York or in Sydney, you were able to watch an interesting talk at a reasonable time. Presenters ranged from startup and business owners using Webflow as their platform of choice, to creatives and designers building their entire business (model) on this tool. And if you've missed the event when it was actually on, you can now watch all talks for free and hopefully learn a thing or two.

You can watch all talks here:

Adobe MAX

Usually Adobe's "Adobe MAX" conference is a huge - and also quite pricey - event. But it was quite different this year, as the conference talks were all held online and attendance was free. As expected speakers were of quite a high caliber with the likes of Aaron James Draplin, Paula Scher, and Tim Allen (Airbnb). There are over 350 talks, presentations and workshops about graphic and UX design, creativity, illustration, productivity and more. Definitely check it out.

All content can be accessed here:

Config Europe

This was a mini conference held by Figma which was held entirely online. Topics covered by the speakers range from design systems, tech ethics, to self promo and new Figma features. Most talks aren't longer than 25 minutes which make them perfect for watching in your lunchbreak or while you're on hold on the phone

You can view all talks for free in Figma's YouTube playlist:

This should get you started and allow you to suck up some more amazing (web) design, product design and development knowledge from  professionals in their field. Looking for more great content to watch? Check out my previous blog post "Must-see conference talks for creatives and freelancers" for more binge-worthy content. If you know of any other super-helpful conferences and talks designers can watch online for free, get in touch with me.

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