2 things I consider before taking on new clients as a Webflow & UI Designer

How do you assess if a new client or project is right for you? In this blog post I am sharing some of my criteria for taking on new projects.

It's always great to start working with a new and interesting client project. But should you take on every project that comes your way and take on any client who is keen on working with you? And what do I look at when I am considering to take on a new client? This is what I will be talking about in this blog post. As a Webflow Designer I mainly work with startups and creative agencies who need help with user interface design projects and Webflow builds. Most clients - especially local ones form Perth, Australia - find me through Google and then get in touch with me via my website.

The first thing I encourage potential clients to do is book a free 30 minute Zoom call with me. Clients can do this easily via the contact page of my website, where they find a button that links to my Calendly booking form. With Calendly they can simply choose a time and day that suits them best. Available times and days are pre-determined by me, so we avoid unnecessary back and forth which can be pretty tedious, especially if you're located in different time zones. On the call I look at a few different things.

  1. Of course there are the project specific questions and considerations: Is the project something I can and want to do? Will I be able to fit this project into my current schedule?
  2. But I also try assess if we're a good fit personally and if I'd enjoy working with them. I'd rather say no to a project (and to money that comes with it) than work with someone I don't particularly vibe with. Before taking on a project - and even before sending a quote - I assess if the client is someone I actually vibe with and want to work with long term.

Many freelancers who are just starting out have difficulties turning jobs down, even if they notice that for some reason or another the client isn't a good fit for them. Here it's great if you have a second (or third) stream of income so you are not reliant on every freelance job that comes your way. You are automatically in a bad position if you are forced to take on a freelance gig you don't really want to do - be it because the project isn't right or the client isn't right for you. I prevent this issue mostly by still having other income that does not come from freelance work. For instance, I still work as a part-time Designer in an organisation for 2 days a week. Establishing different streams of income is something I would definitely recommend so you don't have to solely depend on just one employer or take on every freelance gig that is coming your way (or even sign up to a freelance platform such as Upwork... I have written a post about the platform as well).

What are your criteria when taking on new clients? What's a no-go for you or a must-have? Let me know via email.

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